There are over 80 million garages in the United States. If your home has a garage, keeping it properly maintained can be a struggle. 

And if it’s time to replace your garage door, it can be hard to choose the right option!

Read on to find out the different types of garage doors and how to make the right choice for your needs.

Sectional Garage Doors

One of the most common residential garage door types is sectional doors. Sectional garage doors consist of horizontal panels. The panels smoothly slide upward and overhead along a set of tracks.

Sectional doors are space-saving because they do not swing out when opening. That makes them suitable for properties with limited driveway space.

You can find them crafted from materials like steel, aluminum, wood, or composite materials. This is especially important if your garage is attached to your home. It can contribute to reduced heating and cooling costs.

Sectional doors offer extensive customization options. You’ll have options for various panel designs, finishes, colors, decorative hardware, and window configurations. That way, you can match your home’s aesthetics and personal preferences.

Whether it’s scorching summer heat or freezing winter cold, sectional garage doors are designed to function reliably in all weather conditions. They won’t warp or become less effective due to extreme temperatures.

Roll-Up Garage Doors

Roll-up garage doors are made up of a single sheet of metal that coils upward into a compact bundle above the opening. They’re usually found in commercial settings.

While they’re less commonly used as residential garage doors, they can be an excellent choice for specific situations. Typically made of steel or aluminum, these doors offer robust security due to their durable construction.

These doors are generally low-maintenance, requiring minimal care to keep them in good condition. Regular lubrication and cleaning are usually enough.

The compact coil design of roll-up doors allows for ample overhead storage space. This is ideal for storing items like bicycles, kayaks, or other seasonal gear.

Roll-up doors are designed for smooth and quiet operation. That reduces noise both inside and outside the garage during opening and closing. 

Depending on the material and insulation used, roll-up garage doors can offer reasonable sound insulation, helping to reduce noise from the outside.

Slide-To-Side Garage Doors

For situations where overhead clearance is limited, slide-to-side garage doors offer an alternative. Instead of moving upward or rolling, these doors slide to the side. 

Slide-to-side doors don’t require overhead tracks or a ceiling-mounted opener. So, you’ll be able to use the full height of your garage. This is beneficial if you have tall vehicles or need extra clearance for storage.

These doors seal tightly when closed, offering good weather protection. This can help keep your garage and its contents safe from rain, wind, and other environmental elements.

You can partially open slide-to-side garage doors to allow for ventilation or to quickly access the garage without fully opening the door. This feature can be convenient for day-to-day use.

Slide-to-side garage doors are known for their durability and low maintenance requirements. They are often made from sturdier materials. Options like steel or aluminum resist rust and corrosion, making them long-lasting.

Additionally, they have fewer moving parts. That reduces the need for constant maintenance and repairs.

Carriage Doors

If you’re seeking a garage door with a rustic and charming appearance, carriage doors might be the perfect fit. These doors swing outward from the center, resembling traditional barn doors.

While they are typically constructed from wood, you can also find modern versions made from steel or composite materials. This provides flexibility in design choices.

Carriage doors are particularly well-suited to traditional or rustic-style homes. They can seamlessly blend with colonial, Victorian, farmhouse, or cottage-style homes.

Installing carriage doors can increase the perceived value of your home and make it more attractive to potential buyers, potentially leading to a higher resale value.

If you opt for traditional swing-out carriage doors, they are relatively easy to open and close manually. This can be convenient in case of power outages or when you need quick access to your garage.

Tilt-Up Garage Doors

Tilt-up doors are characterized by their single solid panel that tilts outward and upward to open. Although less common in residential settings, they are still worth considering.

Tilt-up garage doors are generally low-maintenance. They have fewer moving parts compared to sectional doors. So, they mean fewer components that might require maintenance or replacement.

These garage doors have a straightforward and uncomplicated design. They consist of a single, solid panel that tilts upward and outward to open, providing a minimalist and clean look.

Choosing The Right Garage Door Styles For Your Home

Now that you know the different styles of garage doors, you’ll have to decide what’s right for your needs.

Take a close look at your home’s architectural style and exterior design. The garage door should complement the overall appearance of your house.

Determine your budget for the garage door project. Garage doors come in a wide price range, so having a clear budget in mind will help you narrow down your options and avoid overspending.

Evaluate how much maintenance you’re willing to undertake. Steel and aluminum doors typically require less upkeep than wood, which may need periodic painting or staining to protect them from the elements.

Security is paramount. Look for garage doors with strong locking mechanisms and robust materials to protect your home and belongings. Ensure that the door can withstand potential break-in attempts.

If energy efficiency is a priority, opt for a garage door with high insulation properties. This is especially important if your garage is attached to your home, as it can contribute to reduced heating and cooling costs.

Garage door professionals can provide valuable insights when you’re looking for a garage door. They can give you recommendations based on your specific needs.

They can help you find the perfect style that complements your home. They can also ensure that your new garage door functions for your needs.

Types of Garage Doors: Make Your Choice Today

There’s a lot to consider when deciding between types of garage doors. Sit down with the professionals, and see what they recommend for your home.

Are you ready to get started? Contact RS Doors and Gates today.